Parkway is a place for families…. Join us!
Welcome to the Parkway Christian Church in Davie, Florida! We are glad that you
found us online. You can get to know us on social media and watch our services
through our YouTube Channel, but there is nothing like being in worship together.
We are a faith community who may not have all the answers, but we are all in a journey
together to grow in faith and discover Gods love and plans for us.
As part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we believe that we
are unified through our belief in Christ our Lord, but we also allow for unique
perspectives, ideas and beliefs among our congregation’s members. This can lead
to engaging and thought-provoking discussions and amazingly rich relationships.
​As a multi-generational and multi-cultural congregation, we are blessed with
diverse backgrounds among us. We celebrate and support one another. We laugh,
praise, and cry together. Most of all we worship and love God and welcome
all who want to be part of this ministry and mission!
We are a family. This is Parkway.
Come, journey with us!
Senior Pastor
Rev. Esther Valdes